Travel money : Small Change, Big Shift – Say “no” to bank charges and check out local exchange offices

“Going local means nurturing locally owned businesses which use local resources sustainably, employ local workers at decent wages.” — Michael H. Shuman When travel to a foreign country, one of the most important thing is: currency exchange. Money might not always be the most important thing in life, but when it comes to travel, this…

Tipping throughout the world

If there is a question that all travelers are asking it has to do with tipping. Should you leave one? In what context? How much? Since tipping is a custom found worldwide, there is no general rule on the subject, the uses being different according to the country. Often used to recognize friendly service, it…

The apps to manage your holiday budget

Managing your holiday budget is not always simple. Transportation, shopping, restaurants … it’s easy to go over your initial budget. Fortunately, many smartphone applications now allow you to save money and manage your spending.   Piggy, for your holidays spent with friends (free) Going on holiday with the whole family or with a group of friends?…